
Outcast Silver Raiders - Ritual Mishaps (Examples)

Ritual Mishaps (1d100) When a player is instructed to roll on the Ritual Mishaps table, the referee rolls 1d100 on the table below and describes the consequences.

  1. The temperature drops to below freezing within 100’ of the magician per magician level, and all surfaces are covered with a layer of painfully cold blue frost.

  2. The temperature drops far below freezing within 1 mile of the magician per magician level and stays that way for 1d3 days. Constitution saves are required each watch for those without the proper cold weather gear. On a failure, they lose 1d4 hp from the extreme cold. Water freezes solid. Plants die. Animals perish.

  3. Flames engulf the magician, dealing 1d6 damage. Each round, the magician must make a Charisma check to will the flames out of existence or take a further 1d6 damage. Anything the magician touches has a 50% chance of combusting on contact.

  4. A ball of fire explodes from the magician, engulfing everything up to 30 feet from the magician in the white hot flames of hell. The magician takes no damage from this fire, but all combustible materials ignite, all living beings take 2d8 damage immediately, and all living beings besides the magician must make a Dexterity check or be set on fire.

  5. Frigid waters from the deepest ocean rush in from cracks, seams, or fissures in the place the magician currently occupies for one minute per magician level. If the magician is indoors, their current room will quickly and inexorably fill with seawater. If the magician is outside, the water will bubble up from the earth, creating a marshy bog and then a salty pond.

  6. A beast from beyond this reality manifests into being near the magician. It is likely confused and upset at having been brought to this place and lashes out with its horrible orifices and upsetting compound limbs. +Beast From Beyond+ Limbs with too many joints, strange and too many eyes, flailing, upsetting motion, wet and putrid. Cha -3 Con +1 Dex +0 Int -2 Str +3 Wis -2 AC 16 HD 4 HP 4d8+4 (24) Save +2 Morale 8 Move Squelch 20’ [4 squares] Upsetting compound limbs 2 attacks per round: +7 to hit, 1d8+3 damage each. Sucking embrace +4 to hit, no damage. If hit, the target will be swallowed by a horrible orifice next round, taking 1d8 damage per round until they are freed or digested.

  7. A violent ghost, angry and in pain, is pulled through an unexpected rift from hell. This ghost cannot affect living flesh directly and cannot be seen or heard by any but the magician. The ghost will hurl objects and curses at the magician until it is dealt with. The ghost is chained to the magician with 66-foot ethereal chains.

  8. The area within a mile of the magician is plunged into inky darkness for 2d6 hours. Light sources only cast light in a 5 foot sphere, making normal activities difficult and dangerous. Animals panic. Children cry. Priests predict the end of days.

  9. Everyone, even including old friends and lovers, is struck by a feeling of powerful unease in the presence of the magician for 2d6 days. Most cannot abide the magician’s presence, and many will be driven to attack the magician if the magician does not leave their presence (Wisdom save to resist this urge).

  10. Every living thing within 60 feet of the magician is struck by strong nausea and must make a Constitution save when the effect first manifests and each hour thereafter or vomit uncontrollably at the worst possible time. The effect lasts for 1d6 watches.

  11. The magician falls instantly unconscious and stays that way for 3d6 watches (an Intelligence save halves this time). Everyone within 100 feet of the magician must pass an Intelligence save or fall unconscious immediately for a single watch.

  12. The magician, embittered by the Miasma of Hell, loses 1d8 Charisma for 1d6 days as their lip curls into a sneer and they mistrust everyone they meet.

  13. The magician, sickened by the Miasma of Hell, loses 1d8 Constitution for 1d6 days as they walk, bent and in pain, their guts churning inside them.

  14. The magician, slowed by the Miasma of Hell, loses 1d8 Dexterity for 1d6 days as their fingers and limbs feel thick and cold.

  15. The magician, made stupid by the Miasma of Hell, loses 1d8 Intelligence for 1d6 days, unable to clear a fog of slow dullness from their mind.

  16. The magician, weakened by the Miasma of Hell, loses 1d8 Strength for 1d6 days, feeling constantly exhausted, lifting cloth and sheets of paper feeling impossibly difficult.

  17. The magician, made foolish by the Miasma of Hell, loses 1d8 Wisdom for 1d6 days, the voices of devils in their head taunting them to risk and misjudgment.

  18. The magician, engulfed in bitterness by the cackling whispers of devils, permanently loses 1d6 Charisma.

  19. The magician, poisoned forever by the foul breath of devils, permanently loses 1d6 Constitution.

  20. The magician, forever touched by the hands of hell, permanently loses 1d6 Dexterity.

  21. The magician, unable to get free from the whispers of hell, permanently loses 1d6 Intelligence.

  22. The magician, their body wracked by infernal torments, permanently loses 1d6 Strength.

  23. The magician, judging visions to be real and reality to be vision, permanently loses 1d6 Wisdom.

  24. Minor dæmons scratch and tear at the magician, invisible to all others. The magician takes 1d8 damage from wounds that spring open on their flesh.

  25. The taloned hand of a greater dæmon rips a hole in reality and claws the magician in full view of all. The magician takes 4d8 damage.

  26. A rift opens wide beneath the magician, wet and red and grasping. The magician is swallowed, pulled into hell.

  27. A dæmon takes advantage of the magician’s open state and possesses them. The dæmon will often try to cause as much mischief and damage as possible, attacking friends, foes, damaging property, and damaging their host. The magician may make an Intelligence save every ten minutes to regain control of their body.

  28. A rift to hell opens and a dæmon strides through, made manifest at last in this reality. +Great Manifested Dæmon+ 8 feet tall, horns, claws, gristle, the smell of sulphur, leathery wings, lambent eyes. Cha +3 Con +2 Dex +2 Int +1 Str +3 Wis +0 AC 18 HD 8 HP 8d8+16 (56) Save +4 Morale 10 Move Stride 15’ [3 squares], Fly 30’ [6 squares] Mighty claws +11 to hit, 2d8+3 damage, 2 shock. Lashing tail +10 to hit, 1d8+3 damage. On a hit, target must make a Constitution save or take 2 poison damage each round for 1d4 rounds. Sulphurous spit Can only use if the Great Manifest Dæmon makes a successful Constitution check on its turn as an action. +8 to hit, 1d4+2 damage. On a hit, target takes 2 acid damage each round for 2d4 rounds. Breath of Hell Once per combat, the dæmon can attack with its sulphurous breath, covering an area approximately 30 feet square in front of it. Everyone caught in the cloud must make a Constitution save or fall to the ground coughing for 1d4 turns.

  29. All light sources within 1 mile of the magician per magician level are suddenly extinguished. They cannot be re-lit for 1 hour per magician level.

  30. An earthquake localized around the magician occurs. Every building within 1 mile of the magician per magician level has a cumulative 30% chance of toppling for every story it has.

  31. Infested with unseen dæmonic spirits, all crops planted by civilization within 1 mile of the magician per magician level wither and die.

  32. Poisoned from within by a horde of tiny dæmonic spirits, domesticated animals within 1 mile of the magician per magician level die.

  33. A poisonous rain starts to fall within 1 mile of the magician per magician level, sickening plant life, harming animals, burning through roofs that are not made of stone, rotting cloth, and leaving stinking clouds above the earth. The rain lasts for 1 hour per magician level.